Thursday, September 30, 2010

Equal rights for everone. Special rights for NO one!

Well the midterm elelctions are coming up and we all know that the economy and jobs will be at the fore front. Good luck Democrats! Your gonna need it.
I'm not writing today about the unemployment being at 9.6%, or why the economy is in such a shamble though. I want to touch base today on a subject that I think is just as important as the economy. Illeagal Immigration.
I know I know, "This country was built with imigrants and populated by imigrants. So why should we care if there are over eleven million illeagal immigrants now?" Well the answer to that question is simply this. Does the word "ILLEAGAL" mean anything to ya? We are a nation of laws, and I think we can all agree on that, and although most would say that we should open our doors to the weak and weary, there is something that we have to ask ourselves. Are we to survive as a nation if we continue to disregard law in the name of tolerance? Every citizen in the U.S. is guaranteed every right listed in the constitution by our creator. With that, there is no argument. But are we to extend these God given rights to Everyone and anyone who breaks the law to be here? That argument can be made all day long about who has these rights and who does not. The deeper issue is this. Should illeagal immigrants have the "special right" to break the law at the expense and sometimes the lives of our citizens? Why is it that there is such a heated debate on whether or not we should enforce our laws? I understand that there are alot of good, hardworking immigrants that are here illeagally, but being a good person does not exclude you from the law and its punishments. Martha Stewart, alot would say, was a great person, but she broke the law and did her time. Many people throughout history were good, but when they broke the law, they were punished. What makes an immigrant more deserving of amnesty than anyone else? Nothing! I believe we need a reality check in this country.


  1. This country was stolen from the indigenous people, who were then slaughtered almost to the point of extinction. Since so many of your kind think so highly of this countries founding, perhaps that's what the immigrants of today should do. Just move in, slaughter everyone and take the land for themselves.....

  2. Yes Yes. Only concentrate on this great country's scars, not the fact it is the greatest in the world. And also, lets not forget, when the pilgrims first came, Indians and whites lived in harmony. War was started because the "indigenous" people "felt" as if they had more rights to the land than the settlers. If they did or not is a whole other debate. The kind, loving, "indigenous" people started raiding, stealing and murdering the settlers. It was a war! In war one wins, one looses. Look at the Siminole. Launched raids against American people in American territory from Florida which belonges to Spain at the time. The great Andrew Jackson had to ride down and not only defeat them, but take Florida from Spain in order to quell the siminole. Now I can tell that you are obviously an anti American person. You have been taught what this educational system wants you to know. Try to concentrate on what is good about this country instead on what this country has done wrong. Trust me, the former out weighs the latter. Besides, this is a country of laws, if we don't enforce them, what kind of country would we have.
