Saturday, September 5, 2009

Please vote these clowns out!

Is anyone ready for the 2010 and 2012 elections yet? I sure am. I just hope that the politicians that run are true conservatives! Conservatism has always been the backbone of strong national security, fiscal reponsibility, and good family values. I know that this may come to a suprise to many, but think about it. Every time a conservative gets away from conservative principles, he fails in his policies and loses elections. Take for example all the republicans that lost in 2006 and 2008. All of them were elected because the country was tired of the way liberals were spending and taxing, along with all the other liberal ideas that were circulating around that time. Gun control, gay rights, and weak national security just to name a couple. In 2006, the people were tired of the way republicans were growning the government, and spending our tax payer dollors. Then in 2008, Barack Obama ran a pretty conservative campaign. He ran on fiscal responsibilty, stronger action in the war on terror, and Tax cuts for 95% of the american people. Those ideas are very conservative ideas. This just goes to show you what the people wanted. Then in the usual politician fashon, he started doing exactly the oppisite of what he promised. now I just hop that the nation can see what true liberalism is and change course. sadly though, I don't see any Reagan republicans out there yet.

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