Sunday, November 15, 2009

Using children is always the libs way

Liberals always use the excuse of “it’s for the children” to fund the government monopoly over education, to let illegal immigrants stay in the country and flock over here by the millions, to subsidize the housing market in order to ensure a home for people that can’t afford it. Over and over again the liberals pull on the heart strings of the American people by using the children to push forward their socialist agenda.
Why is it they can use the “children” for every excuse to con us into higher taxes and social programs, as if that is all they care about, and then federally fund abortions? Because it’s not truly about the children, it’s about the votes.
When was the last time you seen a teachers union on strike for the children instead of a pay raise? When was the last time you seen the federal government keep the children of illegal immigrants and deport the parents? Don’t you think we should show our children that this is a nation of laws and if you break them you have to be punished? When was the last time you seen the federal government actually buy a house for a poor family instead of manipulating the market and causing a recession? It has never happened.
In the arena of ideas, libs can only use the children for an excuse to push forward. Quite frankly, it makes me sick. They can no longer tell us it’s for the children!! The only way to make sure that they can’t do it anymore is to start a grass roots effort for the children. We need to start talking to kids about the importance of conservatism and capitalism. We need to talk to our friends, family and colleagues.
To long have the true conservatives of this country sat back and watched as this country went further and further to the left. Political correctness has made this party impotent. We’ve become afraid of expressing our ideas and values because we might offend someone. Well I say enough is enough. I’m not gonna walk on egg shells anymore. When I feel some that someone is wrong, I’m gonna say something. When libs say it’s for the children, I’m gonna call them a liar. When is the last time they did anything for our children?! They took prayer out of the schools. They took the Ten Commandments out of society. They introduced sex education into our schools and then took responsibility and accountability out of our schools. These kids today can’t even compete with Europe because the schools care more about social engineering than education. Crime rates have risen! Teenage pregnancy has skyrocketed. Kids can sue their parents! What kind of crap is that? When will we finally learn that socialism and communism doesn’t work? When the Soviet Union finally collapses? Oh wait, it already has.

Ray Burris

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