Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I wanted to take the time today to touch a little on the importance of economics and education in this country. I believe that the educational system could do us all a service if they would start teaching our children capitalism in school instead of things like cyber talk and global warming. Trust me it happens. My children go through it almost every year in the public schools. I don't understand why we expect our children to grow up and be productive members of society when they are never tought how. Very few of us teach our kids economics. I know it sounds boring, but its one of the most important aspects of our society. Schools should teach it K-12. One of the factors in poverty is education so I think that economics should be a must in our children's lives. If anyone is interested on how to become more familiar with economics and how capitalism works, any book from Milton Friedman is a good read. He was one of the most intelligent and articulate capitalist educators of our time. Amazon.com has a great selection of his books. Why government is the problem, Capitalism and freedom, and Free to choose are just three great reads.

Go to youtube.com and type in milton friedman on donahue.

This is a great video. Take the time to watch. This is Dr. Friedman taking apart the idea of socialism and redistribution of wealth.